I have called Kennedy my home for almost 3 whole years now and through each crazy school day, I feel as though there are some things that freshmen should know before they come to school here.
1. Never eat school meals. Rice krispies and pop tarts are acceptable but everything else is disgusting.
2. Get a locker even if you don't think you will use it a lot. When you don't have to carry around 3 bags a day you will thank me.
3. Don't take the easy way out, take some AP classes and fill your free periods with classes. It will help you in the long run.
4. Don't pay your parking tickets. It's really not that serious, and yes you will still graduate.
5. Make friends in all your classes. Don't be the stuck up girl that just sits on her phone and doesn't talk to people.
6. The door by the west gym isn't blocked for SMART lunch, you're welcome.
7. Take AP pysch with Mrs. Melone but drop if you get Corey
8. Use the teacher avoidance list during registration towards your advantage.
9. Avoid AP seminar at all costs
10. Don't walk .84759 mph in the foyer. Thanks :)
11. It isn't cute to make out with your boyfriend under the stairs. Keep that shit at home please.
12. Actually do your homework it's not that hard to pass a class
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