Sunday, November 1, 2015

Flu shots(267)

      Every year around this time, the school attendance goes down. Student's miss a ton of school and it ends up stressing both them and the teacher out. Getting the flu exhausts you mentally and physically and leaves you on bed rest for almost a week. With that amount of time off, it can make you more sick and that's not something anybody needs.
      Around our town, there are things that seem to persuade us to get a flu shot. Such as getting money of in gas from a Hy-Vee fuel saver if you get one. Also, you can get it free with your insurance or a small co pay. At my mom's job, she has to get a flu shot because she is a doctor so she can't be contagious to her patients.
     In my opinion, I feel like everyone should get a flu shot. If it is required, school attendance will go up, sickness will go down, and no school work will have to be made up. Although this is sort of a hassle for some people, it's better than missing ton's of school and having to take the time to make it up.
      I also think that It should be extremely suggested if not required because I am really not trying to get sick this winter. I hate when people come to school sick because you're contagious and I really don't want you around me. This can really be avoided if you just get a flu shot and then you don't have to be sick and you won't get me sick. A win win situation.

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