Sunday, November 22, 2015

goals in the winter (497)

       During the winter, some may find themselves sitting inside not sure what to do except watch Netflix and eat. Our city of Cedar Rapids is looked upon as boring and that's why staying at home watching movies looks so appealing to us. If we look a little deeper and do a little research, though, there is so much to do in Cedar Rapids during the winter that you might not even have enough time to do all of it.

- Build a snowman. With the recent foot of snow that we have gotten, it is a perfect opportunity to make the best out of it. Grab a couple friends, even if it does sound lame, and go to the store t get what you need. You can customize it however you would like but make sure to warm up with some hot chocolate after you are done.
-Take a drive around the city and see what the people in Cedar Rapids have in store for Christmas lights. You can make this a 20 minute ordeal or stretch it out into a whole night and plan exactly where you would like to go. Plan a dinner before with some friends and have them tag along to experience it with you.
- Attend a city parade. Although this might look very unattractive due to the cold weather, it is actually very fun to see what the cities businesses are doing and what they have in store concerning floats and visuals. Also, it is a great way to connect with friends that you are close to or people that you only see once a year-just don't forget the mittens and hot chocolate to keep you warm during this cold night.
-Go ice skating! the Cedar Rapids Ice Arena is by Kingston stadium and the Kernals stadium down town. You can rent ice skates for super cheap and you don't even know how to skate. It is worth the money spent and I feel like everyone should try it even if they have little experience because it gets you moving while also having fun with your friends!
- Go sledding! Regarding the snow that we just got, I think it is appropriate to talk about going sledding. It might sound like a little kid activity but I assure you that you would be surprised at the amount of teenagers that still go today. Make sure to bring extra layers because it is almost guaranteed that you will be freezing, but walking up the hill will help warm you up. Also bring some snacks and some hot chocolate and make a full day out of it!

Whether you use some of these activities or not, make sure to get out as much as possible this winter because you don't want to end up a couch potato! There are endless things to do in the winter so if you don't find your niche in one of these, you will likely find it elsewhere.

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