Sunday, December 6, 2015

Gobble Gobble (462)

       Although Thanksgiving is part us now and we are starting to get into the Christmas spirit, we should take some time and reflect what we ate on Thanksgiving and what it did to our waistbands. Also, a few tips about how you can avoid these problems when Christmas dinner arrives soon. During the holiday season is when people pack on the most weight and I don't know about you but I don't want to be one of them.
       So think back to Thanksgiving real quick. All the friends and family that you may not have seen in a while and most importantly, the food. When one imagines Thanksgiving dinner, a huge table comes to mind with a huge golden brown turkey in the middle surrounded by sides such as cranberries, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, green bean casserole, rolls and butter, and an assortment of desserts. But what one does not usually think about before digging in to feast is the calorie count of this one meal. Although it is only once a year, the dinner usually has Americans feeling bloated and tired.
       Then there is also the problem of multiple meals since people tend to have larger families. A person feels obligated to eat at every place they visit on the holiday as it kind of shows respect for the host. This problem is an easy fix because there are so many things you can do to avoid the problem of over eating due to multiple Thanksgivings. One solution is to eat parts of the meal at each house such as turkey at house 1, sides at house 2, and finally deserts at house 3. You may have to divide it up differently based on the number of houses you have but that is a quick easy fix that everyone can try.
       One way to work of that Thanksgiving weight is to hit the gym, of course. Lifting weights, running, or even just walking can help a person feel less bloated and better about the food baby that they just obtained. The way I fix this problem is to go Black Friday shopping after my multiple dinner's on Thanksgiving. I walk countless hours at both of the malls (Coralridge and Lindale) to find the best deals around and as much as it hurts my feet, I know it is helping the extra weight I ate that day to come off.
       Whether you go to the gym, or just use your shopping skills to stay fit, it is essential to do something of activity if you don't want to feel disgusting after that big Thanksgiving meal or meals. Make sure to take my advice through the holiday season so you don't let yourself go even through the tempting holiday cookies and treats.

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