Friday, March 11, 2016


This week has been filled with tragedies, including losing a friend to many due to a car accident. Kennedy was hit hard because many were friends even though he had moved to Illinois in the middle of my freshman year. I will always remember Payton as my science partner who always wanted everyone to be laughing and happy, as many will too. It has also impacted me and my peers as a reminder that life is so short and shouldn’t be taken advantage of. It’s scary to think that just a week ago, he was alive and now he won’t get to graduate with our class. Tell the people you love, that you love them. Make sure you never leave some one angry. Stay happy and live a positive life because you just never know when your last time seeing someone will be your last. Also, be careful of what you do and don’t be reckless. When you are driving put your phone down and away and slow down. Put your phone down when you are with the people you love because they want to see you and talk to you other than just looking at your phone. In all, just make sure that you live with no regrets and that you build relationships that will last a life time. Never take time for granted because you never know when it can be stripped from you or someone that you love. The truth is: You just never know. 

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