Thursday, March 31, 2016

Reasons (362)

Due to recent events, I thought a blog post was needed with a list of reasons to live. Suicide and mental illness are real issues that need to stop. Hopefully this list will remind people why life is so beautiful.
Reasons to live:
1. That moment when you're in the car with your friends and the music is blasting and you realize how much you love them.
2. The smell of taking a walk after rain
3. Eating puppy chow
4. Fresh sheets
5. When you wake up in the summer to birds chirping
6. Old middle school songs that you know every word too
7. Lunch dates with your best friend
8. Sunny days and 80 degrees
9. Beach days in the summer where you get sand everywhere but you don't care
10. Boating
11. When your cat comes and cuddles with you
12. When you come home and your dog jumps on you
13. Hearing old stories from relatives
14. Hot chocolate on Christmas Eve
15. The first snow fall
16. Your birthday
17. Getting older and things changing
18. When you lease your first place and get to decorate it how you want
19. Getting to know your parents way better than you already do
20. The feeling after a good workout
21. The feeling after a win with your team
22. Senior prom
23. Getting your drivers license and first car
24. Krsipy Kreme
25. Newbo Pizza
26. Getting your nails done and having a fresh set
27. Driving with the sun roof open
28. First loves
29. Getting a really good grade on a test
30. Trips with your bestfriends
31. The big city
32. College visits
33. Cram sessions
34. Cookie dough from Coffee Smith's
35. Going to PetLand and playing with all of the puppies
36. Music that brings back memories
37. Getting a new hair cut
38. Graduating high school
39. Being happy and healthy because that is the biggest thing that we need to be thankful for. Go home and hug your parents, siblings, and friends because you never know when the last time you will get to talk to them will be.

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