Sunday, January 31, 2016

Celebrity Twitter Fights (187)

        Every week there's a new one. Celebrity twitter fights happen almost daily and really cause fights between others as well. In my opinion, it's just for the popularity and for attention because they all look stupid and don't make any sense. This past week Kanye West and Wiz Khalifa got into it because Wiz Khalifa tweeted "kk" and Kanye West thought he was talking about his wife, Kim Kardashian. Kanye West went on a rant that wasn't even needed and called Wiz Khalifa out in numorous ways that did not need to be on twitter. Then, Kanye's ex girlfriend got into it and it just went all down hill from there. In my opinion, it's super trashy and shows the whole audience of twitter that if people with higher popularity can do it and get tons of retweets and likes, that it is okay to do it themselves. It is showing the younger population that popularity comes from the wrong things. They don't see celebrity doing charity work and have them be their idols, but their idols are the one's starting dumb drama all over social media.