Sunday, January 31, 2016

Fictional Characters death (298)

         Everyone knows the feeling. When you are watching a movie or TV series or reading a book and a character just dies. In the moment, it feels like you die a little too. You invested time in getting to know that person and the director or author just completely rips your heart out. In my opinion, I think it's genius to do something like that because it hooks the audience and makes them feel something and show emotion towards their work but I also think it is pure evil.
       Remember when John Green showed us that beautiful cancer love story in The Fault In our Stars? Everyone reading wanted so badly for a happily ever after and for both of them to get cured. He totally rejected our wishes. I remember exactly what I was doing when I read that Augustus had died. I was sitting out in gym due to a broken arm and i full on started bawling. Even through my anger against Green i bought another one of his books so it's pretty much free advertisement.
      Or what about when people sent death threats to Shonda Rimes for killing off the beloved Derek Shepard? We were all crying watching him bleed and Meredith cry, but yet didn't we tune in to watch the next episode to make sure she was okay? You bet. Rimes builds up our relationships with the characters and then rips them from our grip. Remember Izzie, Burke, Christina (:(), and many others that kinda just let unexpectedly?
      The art is all in the connection with the audience and the product. If there wasn't anybody ever leaving, why would we tune in? Why would we read books? The fun is all in the plot twist.

P.S. i still hate you Shonda Rimes

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