Thursday, January 21, 2016

New Year SAME you??? (396)

      Every year when the ball drops in New York City at 12am on New Year’s Day, the people of the world think that this is a clock that automatically starts over who they are as a person. They set resolutions of multiple things such as losing weight, quitting smoking, or just becoming a better person over all. There are multiple reasons why people set such resolutions but they don’t realize that if that thing was important to them, they would’ve changed something earlier. It is said that most resolutions fall through early on anyways so I figured I would challenge this.
              My challenge this year was to eat better and to overall just be happier. Throughout the holiday season I’m pretty sure everybody has that point where they don’t even want to look at anything sweet due to the sugar overload that is pushed upon us from our relatives. It is also winter so the thought of even moving sends a thought of a blizzard through our minds. With family in town it is really hard to let your stomach rest because there is just so much food and it’s hard to stay on even the smallest of diets. This year I made sure to work out once a day to ensure that I wouldn’t pack on the pounds from the extra food. This actually worked because I stayed the same size which proves a point that if someone actually matters to you, you won’t wait until the New Year to get it done.
              Another thing I tried was just to be happier. To do this I just surrounded myself with the best people-my friends. If you’re with people who constantly make you laugh you can’t really be sad and this winter break I definitely spent pretty much every waking moment with them. I began to see myself feel more uplifted and smile more which was my absolute intent of the whole thing. It’s easy to do the simple things to reach your goal if you really want it.
              So to all of the people running their hearts out and eating like a bird to get a bikini body before that amazing spring break beach trip, if it wasn’t important for you to start before the new year you won’t stick with it because you need the motivation for yourself not a date on the calendar.

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