Sunday, February 21, 2016

A letter to a future me (553)

Dear me,
        As I sit here with bags under my eyes due to never getting sleep, my mind wanders to how all of this homework will actually help me in my real life. Better yet, what will my life be like? Will I live in a big city making the big bucks and living in a pent house or will I be living in a little apartment here in Cedar Rapids? The future scares me as it should scare everybody because it is 2016. Next year is our graduation year and also the year that we take our knowledge and venture out into the world beyond us to follow our dreams. I hope you have followed yours. Right now I often tell myself that I need to follow what I would do if money weren't an option and it's hard. Life is kind of hard right now with the stress of school and decision making.
        I wonder how society is when you are older. Do girls still get shamed for showing their shoulders in school or do people go to school naked by them? Has marijuana been legalized? Who won the 2016  presidential election? Please don't say Donald Trump. I hope that society has finally found out what is wrong and makes it right. I hope racism is gone as it is very prominent right now. I hope boys are taught not to rape and that society actually sees rape as a problem because rape is rare;y reported right now.
        Right now i really think i would want to know how i end up and who i end up with. Right now i think i would want to know all about my life. When i will get married. to whom, when i will have kids and how many, what job will i have, where will i live. I always think about this and what i would do if i had a story of my life in front of me and i honestly believe i would not read it. In our opinion, life throws at you only what you can handle and everything happens for a reason. If i lose my job in the future i won't want to know that in a week i will be offered a bigger and better job because i want to learn the value of hard times and good times.
       I also wonder when i will read this. It's so scary to me that it is our senior year next year. The people that you went to freshmen orientation with finally all graduate next year and walk cross the stage to their futures. Each and everyone of us feels like a family by now. We know school spirit and we know each other almost way too much. You know who plays basketball, who is in knitting club, and who honestly is just ready for this chapter to be done. People always say not to take this part of life for advantage and i see why now. We are closing in on our junior year and our friends are closing in on their senior year. Everybody is leaving and leaving us with the legacy of seniors that we need to live on. I am scared but i am also ready for this upcoming year. Let's get it.

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