Sunday, February 21, 2016

Today's society (236)

From the TV to the news papers
We are exposed to another tragedy everyday
In a world full of murderers and rapers
What are we supposed to tell our children?
That when we were their age
It was okay for the caucasian police to shoot an unarmed african american man?
A bottle of tea, a packet of skittles, and a hood up
Some of the criteria to let some one shoot
In the cry for self defense, yup.
What are we supposed to tell our daughter?
When she wants to go out in a short skirt
That she needs to cover up because all men think of her as is meat to slaughter?
Girls and Woman shouldn't be imprisoned
By the concept that we need to hide our body for a males disadvantage
With the show of skin and people's harsh words we are beaten
Slut, Whore, Thot
All tossed around like it's ok to say
By boys who got rejected by a girl who said he didn't have a shot
What do we tell our son?
In a world where slut shamming a girl is considered funny
His chances of being a nice guy is close to none
We must teach boys that rape is not ok
We must teach society that we are all equal as one
Since the day the law was made
Skin color is nothing, Gender is nothing, Character is everything

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