Sunday, February 28, 2016

Quick and Healthy (163)

          As teenagers, we always hit the snooze button to get more sleep and then end up rushing out of the door at the last minute. We are always told that we need a good breakfast before we head out to school in the morning but because of the time crunch, many teenagers settle for unhealthy substitutes. Taking a zero hour for many years, i feel like i have perfected the art of running late but i still want to eat healthy so i chose one of these many options instead:
-Smoothie Bowl (strawberry smoothie in a bowl topped with granola, blackberries, blueberries, and chia seeds)
-Chobani Greek yogurt
-banana or apple
-granola bar
-Pomegranate seeds
-bagel topped with organic peanut butter and raspberry preserves.
-A piece of wheat bread topped with organic peanut butter, banana slices, local honey, and chia seeds

        There are many more but the point is to just get something quick and healthy to fuel your brain for the day.

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