Sunday, February 14, 2016

To a younger me (575)

What i wish i would've known before high school:
1. Never sacrifice bringing coffee to school in fear of getting judge, the tiredness will feel worse. Trust me.
2. Your friends from middle school probably won't stick with you, and that's okay.
3. Getting bad grades is not cool and not something to brag about. Being pretty with no brain is like a masterpiece painted on a napkin.
4. Enjoy it. Because it goes by quick (we are already juniors!)
5. Get involved, whether it be choir, sports, or even chess club, find what you love to do and stick with it.
6. Don't let people walk all over you. If you have an opinion say it and say it loud.
7. Never wear a dress and heels to school if it is -10 degrees out.
8. Learn to not care what other people think. They will judge you anyways so why not have the judge you for something you like?
9. Be nice to every one, even your teachers. You don't know what is going on in every students life and being rude could just make it worse.
10. Don't procrastinate homework until midnight because the next morning there will be permanent bags under your eyes.
11. Always bring your own lunch, trust me.
12. Never give up. Even if it's late on a Sunday night and you still have 3 more essays for an AP class, keep going. You will thank yourself in the future.
13. Take school seriously. You are building your resume every single day and setting your self up for a bigger and better future.
14. But not too seriously. You can't allow yourself to be so consumed in school that you miss out on life. If one of your friends need you never say no because of homework.
15. Be a good person, don't be a jerk.
16. Don't be bitter about what life throws your way because everything happens for a reason.
17. Don't go to the party that everyone is talking about. Trust me, a night in bed watching gossip girl is way better than anything in the world.
18. Make Quizlet your bestfriend.
19. Don't let anybody tell you that you can't do something.
20. Learn to love what you look like without make up because you will get more sleep and sleep is way better than trying to impress people you don't even like.
21. Don't stress over stuff that you won't even remember in a year. You failed a test? okay. You were late to a class? okay. Just go with the flow.
22. Don't ever put your happiness into anybody because then it can just be taken from you. Find happiness in yourself and never let it go.
23. Be your own bestfriend.
24. People come and go but when you are at your absolute worst look around and see who is right there, stick with them,
25. Spend time with your parents. Even though we are growing up, they are growing older and we often forget that.
26. If a boy cheats on you, leave.
27. Don't act like school events are lame because they aren't. Roll cougs,
28. Enjoy the ups and downs because one day we will all be off and on our own and we won't be just a 5 minute drive to our bestfriends house. Enjoy high school while we have it and don't take advantage of it.

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