Thursday, February 25, 2016

Dreams to Dust (302)

       As teenagers, we like to have fun. After a long week of the stress of school and activities the weekend is all we look forward to for a mini vacation. Some of us like to have movie nights with friends, some spend all weekend at sports events or activities, and the rest spend their weekend at a party doing illegal activities. Things such as underage drinking and the use of illegal substances are activities that can easily ruin your future if you get caught, and for some that could even mean losing their job, respect from adults, and even a scholarship to the school of their dreams.
              In today’s society, it is very easy to get even the hardest of drugs. It is also easy to get alcohol and that is what is scary. The drug dogs come to school at least once a month and catch at least one student with something. Some students throw away their future to get high or to get drunk and they don’t realize what it does to them.
              Our school has a strict code of conduct that if you are caught with either then you must sit out or even get kicked off of a team or out a group for participating in this. Some colleges could also choose to rip away a scholarship for one’s dream school just for getting in trouble with the police for illegal activity. Think about if you were in basketball and you were very talented and had a full ride scholarship to your dream school. Would you risk that all for one night out with your friends? That is the problem with kids today. We think about what our friends will think and not about the consequences and how it will affect our future. This needs to change. 

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